
Scroll down or use the filter below to find Organ Donation New Zealand news, media releases and annual reports, along with relevant articles on organ donation and transplantation.

Organ Donation New Zealand 2023 Annual Report

Organ and tissue donors saved hundreds of lives in 2023

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Organ donation saved 184 lives last year in New Zealand

2022 Annual Report Organ Donation New Zealand (ODNZ) has released its annual report today sharing New Zealand’s national organ donation figures for the last 12 months.

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Anna Maharaj kidney recipient web v2
National Kidney Month 2023

Organ Donation New Zealand and Kidney Health New Zealand want you to have THE Conversation this National Kidney MonthDonating an organ may not be your typical dinner table conversation, but Organ Donation New Zealand and Kidney Health New Zealand are hoping to change that.

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Thank You Day 2022

Milestones, memories & mokopuna:
‘Thank you’ for a life made possible through organ donationDonating organs and tissues is an incredible act of kindness that can transform lives.

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Annual Report 2021

In 2021 there were 66 people who donated organs following death. This enabled 191 recipients to receive life-saving kidney, liver, lung, heart or pancreas transplants. Many more people received tissue transplants (cornea, sclera, heart valves and skin) from these donors.

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The significance of having the donation conversation

Organ donation is only possible in a small proportion of all deaths in New Zealand. However, when donation can occur, one donor has the potential to help up to ten people through the donation of organs and tissues.

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Annual Report 2020

In 2020, thanks to the generosity of 64 deceased organ donors and their families, 186 people were able to receive life saving and life changing heart, lung, liver, kidney or pancreas transplants.

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Media Guidelines for Reporting on Organ Donation

Guidelines for reporting on organ and tissue donation, including appropriate language and frequently used terminology.

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New Zealand Blood Service Welcomes Organ Donation New Zealand

New Zealand Blood Service (NZBS) welcomes Organ Donation New Zealand (ODNZ) to the Service from Monday, November 30, in a move to support and further develop the work of ODNZ and New Zealand hospital staff which has seen a substantial increase in organ and tissue donation in recent years.

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Deceased organ donation on the rise in New Zealand

In the past decade the number of deceased organ donors in New Zealand has been steadily increasing. In 2019 there were 74 deceased organ donors, almost double that of 2010 (41 donors).

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Annual Report 2019

Organ Donation New Zealand's 2019 annual report

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Keith Eades race day 2019 small
Transplant recipient Diane remembered at Auckland marathon event

It was an emotional return to the ASB Auckland Marathon yesterday for heart transplant recipient Keith Eades when he, along with 30 others, walked and ran the John West 12km Traverse in memory of fellow transplant recipient Diane Plimmer.

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Opening ceremony
Kiwi athletes celebrating second chance at life at World Transplant Games

This August more than 2000 participants from over 60 countries will descend on Newcastle Gateshead in the North East of England for the inspirational World Transplant Games.

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Annual Report 2018

Organ Donation New Zealand's 2018 annual report.

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Thank You Day 2018


Each year the lives of many New Zealanders are saved and transformed through the generosity of organ and tissue donors and their families.

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Annual Report 2017

Organ Donation New Zealand's 2017 annual report.  

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Organ Donations Doubled in Last Five Years

 In 2017 there were a record number of deceased organ donations in New Zealand. The total of 73 organ donors represents a 102% increase over the past five years. At 15.

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Annual Report 2016

Organ Donation New Zealand's annual report 2016.  

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Raising Awareness at Stadium Stomp

“The reason why organ donation is so important to me and my family is because without the amazing gift of life I would not have my husband.”

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ODNZ Annual Report Archive

Annual Reports 2015 - 2005

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Dr Stephen Streat: It's crucial to get process right

Organ transplantation benefits recipients nationally, and is dependent on organ donation

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Organ donation: Faces at the front line

Dr Emma Merry can still remember how nervous she felt the first time she spoke to a grieving family about the possibility of donating their loved one's organs.

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Organ donation series: Family's gifts of life bring comfort after death

New Zealand has one of the developed world's lowest organ donation rates, sparking concern more must be done to save lives.

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Organ donation series: Heartfelt thanks for a new life

New Zealand has one of the world's lowest organ donation rates, sparking concerns more needs to be done to save lives. In a four-part series, Susan Edmunds explores the importance of having a life-giving conversation with your loved ones.

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Organ Donation New Zealand release Annual Report

Latest figures show organ donation and transplantation increased in New Zealand in 2014.

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Grateful for the gift of life

The numbers 173, 100 and 299 will seem like random numbers to many, but for three Blenheim people they are a constant reminder of the gift of life.

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Organ recipients spread message

It was not so long ago that Wes Fry would struggle to get around a supermarket.

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Coffee to spark talk on organ donations

Drinking coffee could now spark a conversation about donating your organs or tissue.

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Transplant girl's TRYathlon triumph

Jorden Edmonds-Griffiths wasn't expected to compete in yesterday's North Shore Weet-Bix TRYathlon.

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Recipients Relish Round the Bays Milestone

A year ago, 46-year-old Darren Wilcock couldn’t walk to his letterbox without having to sit down and recover afterwards.

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Living life on high

Double lung transplant patient Katherine Harris will be lining up for this year’s Ports of Auckland Round the Bays event on March 9 in a bid to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Auckland branch.

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New resources to raise awareness of organ donation in schools

All students who apply for their driver’s licence are required to answer “yes” or “no” as to whether they are willing to donate their organs in the event of their death – a subject that can touch the lives of anybody at any time without warning.

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One Family’s Personal Journey

I vividly remember the day my life was changed forever.

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Trelise Cooper's support for organ donation awareness

Organ recipient Danny Saunders and fashion designer Trelise Cooper speak to Breakfast about organ donation.

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Car show payback for lungs recipient

Rotorua's Danny Saunders is a man on a mission after having his lungs transplanted.

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Donor awareness a lifesaver

Not talking to family about organ donation can have "devastating" effects, a Timaru man says.

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Top fashion designer says thank you to donor families

Trelise Cooper, one of New Zealand’s most successful fashion designers, is a major sponsor of an upcoming car show to raise awareness for organ donation.

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High-flying kidneys a historic first

An operation that involved four people being cut open in separate hospitals, and kidneys flying past each other high above the North Island, has given two people a new lease of life.

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Recipients say thanks for transplant organs

Rotorua transplant recipients have marked the country's inaugural Thank You Day by planting freesia bulbs in Kuirau Park.

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2E1A8003 Amber CMYK web Have the conversation today

Have you talked about organ donation with your loved ones?

2E1A8003 Amber CMYK web
Questions & Answers

Do you still have questions, or need answers?

Faye Garthwaite

Mum’s life was full of colour and to know that these people are now seeing the world in a new light after Mum's donation is nothing short of amazing.

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