
Use the filter below to find more in-depth information about organ and tissue donation in New Zealand, including journal articles, research reports, presentations and educational resources for schools.

Guide for Donor Families: Writing to Recipients Read more
Guide for Transplant Recipients: Writing to the Donor Family Read more
Raising awareness of organ donation through health education and social studies

All students who apply for their drivers licence will be required to answer yes or no as to whether they are willing to donate their organs in the event of their death.

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ODNZ Pamphlets about Donation

Below are PDF downloads of our current pamphlets. If you'd like to order printed copies, please use the form on our Contact Us page.

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ODNZ Posters

Below are PDF downloads of our current posters. If you'd like to order printed copies, please use the form on our Contact Us page.

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Health Professional Interviews

A series of interviews with health professionals involved in organ donation and transplantation. 


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Raising Awareness About Organ Donation - A Guide for Parents

Information for parents informing them of the upcoming unit of work and letting them know what is involved. 

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Social Studies Presentation

A PowerPoint presentation for teachers showing what is featured in the social studies unit.

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Health Education Presentation

A PowerPoint presentation for teachers showing what is featured in the health education unit.

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Who's Right? (NCEA Level 1)

This unit provides a good opportunity for students to have conversations at school and at home about their views and the views of their families about organ donation.

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To Donate or Not to Donate (Years 9-10)

This unit begins with the basics; students learn about the different organs and tissues that can be donated and the process of organ donation. Then via a process of social inquiry, students learn how people’s beliefs and values influence their views and decisions about organ donation and what effects these views have on individuals and society. 

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Organ Donation, An Informed Decision (NCEA Level 3)

The purpose of this unit is for students to look critically at an ethical issue about organ donation and explore how this issue affects the well-being of people and society. 

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A Matter of Life and Death (Years 9-10)

The purpose of this unit is to support students to investigate how organ donation relates to the concept of hauora and to explore ways of promoting awareness about organ donation.

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Geoff Have the conversation today

Have you talked about organ donation with your loved ones?

Questions & Answers

Do you still have questions, or need answers?

Ayla Whitaker Ball gown thumb medium340 0

All I thought about was this is what she would have wanted and took a bit of comfort in that.

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