Donating Ayla's organs

Ayla Whitaker Ball gown thumb medium340

Everything around it was unbelievably terrible but that particular decision wasn't terrible. All I thought about was this is what she would have wanted and took a bit of comfort in that.

Ayla Whitaker had just finished her Year 12 studies at Sacred Heart College in Lower Hutt and, according to her father Gary, had the next five years of her life carefully planned out. "She was going to go to varsity and complete a nursing degree, specialising in paediatrics. Working with children was something that she was really passionate about and that is what she'd set as her goal. And we were really proud of her."

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Gabby Marsh

I’ll never forget the light and laughter that surrounded Gabby in life.  Whatever I do, wherever I go in the years to come, Gabby’s glow will always be in my heart.

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